Chinese Medicine is a big umbrella term that encompasses not only acupuncture, but Chinese Herbal medicine, bodywork, lifestyle and diet counseling, and “energy exercise” like qi gong, tai chi and meditation. As practitioners of Chinese Medicine, once we make a diagnosis, any of these branches can be used to help restore the energy in the body.
Just like Chinese herbs, which are essentially very powerful food that you only a small quantity of to get a powerful effect, anything we put in our bodies can keep us alive, move us towards greater health and balance, or move us farther away from it. And since most people eat at least 3x/ day, that’s multiple opportunities to keep steering in the direction of health.
Listen as Brodie and fellow Chinese Medicine expert Ellen Goldsmith, L.Ac., explore the dietary branch of Chinese Medicine. Ellen teaches on this very topic: Chinese Dietetics and its application in western society and in their Masters of Nutrition program and in the Classical Chinese Medicine Department at National University of Natural Medicine. She’s a Licensed Acupuncturist has been in the field for over 25 years a recognized educator, health advocate, and practitioner of all the branches of Chinese medicine. Ellen Goldsmith is a co-founder of Pearl Natural Health in Portland, Oregon. She’s also the creator and host of Health Currents Radio and co-host of Healthwatch on KBOO in Portland, Oregon.
In this episode we explore:
To contact Ellen, you can e-mail her at, on the Pearl Natural Health Facebook page, or on Twitter @goldsmith_ellen.
For more information on Chinese Medicine and to stay in touch with Brodie, visit For a deep-dive into Chinese Medical theory including the energetics of food, check out her Basics of Chinese Medicine course. You can also follow her on twitter @brodiewelch or shoot us an email at Brodie at
Chinese Medicine expert and host Brodie Welch talks with colleague Joe Moceus, L.Ac., about one of the central principles of Chinese Medicine: the notion that the body is an ecosystem rather than a machine to be fixed.
Like a tree with lots of branches, the same root cause can give rise to a number of very different symptoms.
In this episode, we touch on:
The Basics of Chinese Medicine, with Brodie Welch, L.Ac.
For more information on Chinese Medicine and to stay in touch with Brodie, visit
Brodie talks with her sister, Sam, about being well in a busy world. Covering topics the likes of perfectionism, procrastination, self-care, self-compassion and the inner critic, and the challenges to making progress on bigger goals while dealing with the demands of daily life.
In this wide-ranging conversation, we explore:
“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” - Mark Twain
For more on SMART goals, check out Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg
Check out Brodie’s learn-from-home course Calm Yourself: Self-Care Strategies for Stress and Anxiety for more practical tips about creating self-care habits and making them stick.
Chinese Medicine expert and host Brodie Welch, L.Ac. talks with guest Jennie Cramer about living in harmony with the seasons. The frenzy of summertime and the pressure we feel to take advantage of all the exciting opportunities we’re presented with, even when our bodies might be telling us to take a break, can lead to disharmony and really throw us out of balance… if we allow it.
In this episode we explore:
Jennie is a farming yoga mom who is passionate about ancestral living, ecology, and living in accordance with her values.
If you'd like to get in touch with Jennie, you can contact her at and keep a lookout for her website to go live at
For more information on Chinese Medicine and to stay in touch with Brodie, visit
Licensed Acupuncturist and host Brodie Welch talks with her colleague Joe Moceus, L.Ac. about one of the most common conditions they treat in clinic: lower back pain.
In this episode we explore:
Chinese Medicine expert and host Brodie Welch, L.Ac., talks with colleague Joe Moceus, L.Ac. about the primary reason people resist getting acupuncture: needlephobia.
As recovering needlephobes themselves, Brodie and Joe understand the wariness, but they’re also here to tell you that acupuncture needles are nothing like other needles you’ve encountered. Up to 40 acupuncture can fit inside a hypodermic.
Hear about Brodie and Joe’s first experiences receiving acupuncture, what an acupuncture needle looks and feels like, what kind of sensations you might expect, potential alternatives, and more in the inaugural episode of A Healthy Curiosity.
The show begins with a 2-minute overview about Brodie’s vision for the podcast: a blend of expert interviews that demystify natural healing modalities that could potentially help you, along with real, practical, conversations with people trying to walk a healthy, conscious path in a busy world, and what gets in the way.
We then explore:
For more information on Chinese Medicine and to stay in touch with Brodie, visit